November 20th, 2024
by Jonathan Richerson
by Jonathan Richerson
Seeing all of the Operation Christmas Child boxes stacked on stage this past Sunday gave each of us a feeling of community. This is one of those events, like VBS, where every person in the church has a part to play. Over 200 boxes collected to send to boys and girls around the world, represent a spirit of contentment with our material possessions and a need to share with others out of our abundance. This same spirit is also reflected in a new study released by LifeWay Research.
American Views on Consumerism takes a look at the contentment level of Americans as it relates to consumer behavior. LifeWay asked 1200 participants how they felt toward subjects such as technology, shopping, money and their peer group. Evaluating their reported findings, it was discovered that most Americans are content with their stuff, but when it comes to money, there is always room for a little more. Broken down by age groups, on average, eighty percent of said they were content with entertainment, fun, toys and clothes. However, on age group average, forty to fifty percent said shopping makes them feel good and having newer technology makes them feel like they are getting ahead.
Thinking back on the exercise of filling a Christmas box for a child we will never meet; Christians are reminded that there is more to life than a great deal on Black Friday. Many of us plan our day around this event, we put much less energy into planning around those shoe boxes. But where would we be without the visual and weekly reminder of doing our part in reflection of how physically blessed we are as Americans. More than the boys and girls needing those boxes, we need those boxes as a reminder of how quickly consumerism can entangle us in the affairs of this world. Human nature draws us to the pattern of this world. Culture makes it easy to jump in line for that new iPhone when the one we have works just fine. We need the physical reminder that comes with filling something that is empty, because our pockets and cupboards are not.
This season, make sure you fill that emptiness with something that has a lasting legacy. True contentment comes when you know you have done the best with what God has entrusted you with.
“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’ Matthew 25:23
Serving the Savior,
Bro. Jonathan
American Views on Consumerism takes a look at the contentment level of Americans as it relates to consumer behavior. LifeWay asked 1200 participants how they felt toward subjects such as technology, shopping, money and their peer group. Evaluating their reported findings, it was discovered that most Americans are content with their stuff, but when it comes to money, there is always room for a little more. Broken down by age groups, on average, eighty percent of said they were content with entertainment, fun, toys and clothes. However, on age group average, forty to fifty percent said shopping makes them feel good and having newer technology makes them feel like they are getting ahead.
Thinking back on the exercise of filling a Christmas box for a child we will never meet; Christians are reminded that there is more to life than a great deal on Black Friday. Many of us plan our day around this event, we put much less energy into planning around those shoe boxes. But where would we be without the visual and weekly reminder of doing our part in reflection of how physically blessed we are as Americans. More than the boys and girls needing those boxes, we need those boxes as a reminder of how quickly consumerism can entangle us in the affairs of this world. Human nature draws us to the pattern of this world. Culture makes it easy to jump in line for that new iPhone when the one we have works just fine. We need the physical reminder that comes with filling something that is empty, because our pockets and cupboards are not.
This season, make sure you fill that emptiness with something that has a lasting legacy. True contentment comes when you know you have done the best with what God has entrusted you with.
“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’ Matthew 25:23
Serving the Savior,
Bro. Jonathan
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