Never As A Good As The Devil Says

You have heard me talk about the TV show Most Expensivest, staring music artist 2 Chainz.  The show takes the host to the most expensive items from around the world.  Recently, I read about an item that I am guessing 2 Chaiz hasn’t had the opportunity to indulge in, a pineapple that cost $395.  A California produce store (Melissa’s Produce), has what is called the Rubyglow pineapple.  There are only a few thousand produced each year and they are normally sold out.  The Del Monte fruit company created these for China, but decided to bring them to America last year.  The website describes the fruit thus: “Named for the ruby and its rich red color, scarce supply and association with luxury, this exceptional fruit offers a special experience to those who appreciate uniqueness.”
The pineapple is not alone in the luxury fruit category.  Oishii strawberries are the world’s most expensive strawberries.  A pack of six strawberries can cost more than $10.  Sumo Citrus is another expensive fruit not likely to make it to most American’s breakfast table.
One would think that this would be received as a prank but Cindy van Rijswick, a global fruit strategist, says, “although many have publicly aired grievances about the rising costs of certain common grocery items, luxury fruits continue to entice some American shoppers. Consumers are willing to pay for something that’s special.”
In a world that tells us social status is everything, how does one find an audience while eating a $400 pineapple? And with reports that the new minimum wage laws in California has caused many to lose their jobs, why bring the fruit to the financially troubled state?
The tactics are the same that Satan tried to use on Jesus in the wilderness, make it all about you! Satan’s goal is to put us at odds with each other by telling us our efforts in life should always be directed at advancing our position in society.  The three temptations we are given in Matthew 4 all have to do with making the difficult situation about self.  Satan tried, unsuccessfully, in each example to get Jesus to evaluate His situation with the attitude of “what’s in it for me?” Each time Jesus deflected the evil one’s attempts by pointing him back to Scripture where we are instructed to trust God and not self. 
A $400 pineapple or a $1.67 strawberry couldn’t taste that much better than the ones at Lester Farms (Shout Out JR)! Like most lies Satan tells us, after the experience, we are left feeling emptier and more alone than we did before. It is never a good idea to trust in self, especially when it comes to being good stewards of the resources God has trusted us with.  The question is, do you trust Him as He has entrusted you?
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.  Proverbs 3:5-6
Serving the Savior,
Bro. Jonathan 

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