November 6th, 2024
by Jonathan Richerson
by Jonathan Richerson
My two favorite headlines of the day:
No more sad lunches! Make a better sandwich with chef-approved tips and tools
This Is The Secret Ingredient For The Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookies
Two solutions to the biggest problems in my life; sad sandwiches and imperfect cookies! I just had to laugh out loud as I attempted to navigate the fallout noise caused by the election results reported this morning. Half the nation is celebrating, the other half is probably still in bed. In a few days it will be just like what follows the Super Bowl or World Series: Monday. That’s right, the half that is celebrating right now will find something wrong to complain about and the half that is drowning in depression right now will have found new life because they have a new impeachment angle to pursue. What’s the problem? We have too many people waiting for someone else to fix their problems. Instead of like how it used to be, your team won or lost, but Monday is a new day and no one is going to pay your bills or raise your kids for you. Just wait, in four years a majority of people will be ready for “change” because the person in their now didn’t “fix” their issues. Both sides will once again spend billions of dollars in advertisements to flip the script and put their party in to save democracy. This election cost billions of dollars and every one after will too. The only people who have not figured this out is the American people. Those in power love it. The election has done only one thing, keep the people on TV employed. This should be a happy day for the liberal leaning news agency. What else do they have to talk about if the election didn’t go the way that it did. The conservative side now gets to go back to work defending the accusations the other side throws out. That’s all they have done for the past eight years. With this mindset we will always end in “They win, we lose.” I believe we have now entered the “one term” presidency cycle because the American people have become so accustomed to wanting someone else to fix their problems for them.
“Accountability,” that’s a word we don’t like and rarely use because, well, no one likes to be held accountable. Washington is in the shape it’s in because the “don’t judge me and I will not judge you” keeps the fleecing of America going. It also keeps small towns, business, churches and families going, but going in the wrong direction.
Yes, Romans 13, Daniel 2:21, and Hebrews 13:17 all affirm that God appoints our leaders, but in a system like ours, God instructs us how to live and how to evaluate the leaders we vote into place. We are also told in Hebrews 4:13: “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes, and he is the one to whom we are accountable.” Evidently, we all are going to give an account to Him for the choices we have made. You are responsible for you, no one else. The Bible also tells us: “If anyone isn’t willing to work, he should not eat.” 2 Thessalonians 3:10 You can’t say I didn’t give you a couple of really good articles at the beginning to help out with this one.
Today, enjoy the win, or lick your wounds but it will be Monday soon and no one remembers who won the Super Bowl last year, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t the Cowboys! Even though they break my heart, it doesn’t stop me for cheering for them.
Serving the Savior,
Bro. Jonathan
No more sad lunches! Make a better sandwich with chef-approved tips and tools
This Is The Secret Ingredient For The Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookies
Two solutions to the biggest problems in my life; sad sandwiches and imperfect cookies! I just had to laugh out loud as I attempted to navigate the fallout noise caused by the election results reported this morning. Half the nation is celebrating, the other half is probably still in bed. In a few days it will be just like what follows the Super Bowl or World Series: Monday. That’s right, the half that is celebrating right now will find something wrong to complain about and the half that is drowning in depression right now will have found new life because they have a new impeachment angle to pursue. What’s the problem? We have too many people waiting for someone else to fix their problems. Instead of like how it used to be, your team won or lost, but Monday is a new day and no one is going to pay your bills or raise your kids for you. Just wait, in four years a majority of people will be ready for “change” because the person in their now didn’t “fix” their issues. Both sides will once again spend billions of dollars in advertisements to flip the script and put their party in to save democracy. This election cost billions of dollars and every one after will too. The only people who have not figured this out is the American people. Those in power love it. The election has done only one thing, keep the people on TV employed. This should be a happy day for the liberal leaning news agency. What else do they have to talk about if the election didn’t go the way that it did. The conservative side now gets to go back to work defending the accusations the other side throws out. That’s all they have done for the past eight years. With this mindset we will always end in “They win, we lose.” I believe we have now entered the “one term” presidency cycle because the American people have become so accustomed to wanting someone else to fix their problems for them.
“Accountability,” that’s a word we don’t like and rarely use because, well, no one likes to be held accountable. Washington is in the shape it’s in because the “don’t judge me and I will not judge you” keeps the fleecing of America going. It also keeps small towns, business, churches and families going, but going in the wrong direction.
Yes, Romans 13, Daniel 2:21, and Hebrews 13:17 all affirm that God appoints our leaders, but in a system like ours, God instructs us how to live and how to evaluate the leaders we vote into place. We are also told in Hebrews 4:13: “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes, and he is the one to whom we are accountable.” Evidently, we all are going to give an account to Him for the choices we have made. You are responsible for you, no one else. The Bible also tells us: “If anyone isn’t willing to work, he should not eat.” 2 Thessalonians 3:10 You can’t say I didn’t give you a couple of really good articles at the beginning to help out with this one.
Today, enjoy the win, or lick your wounds but it will be Monday soon and no one remembers who won the Super Bowl last year, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t the Cowboys! Even though they break my heart, it doesn’t stop me for cheering for them.
Serving the Savior,
Bro. Jonathan
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